Game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc
Game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc

Firearms will include standard pistols, assault rifles, rifles and shotguns.

game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc

The protagonist will be armed with all the most modern devices - drones, homing grenades, missiles, vehicles. A simple ordinary Mitchell will have to save the world from destruction, who will find himself in the center of the twists and turns, terrorist attacks of the KVA group on megacities and the total destruction of the usual foundations of life. There are also units of their own, equipped with the latest technology, which makes them dangerous opponents. He is the leader of a huge American corporation with influence in many areas of life. The main antagonist of "Call of Honor: Frontline War" is Jonathan Irons, whose face and voice is Kevin Spacey. By increasing the income of private companies, they were able to create their own military structures and enter into conflicts with opposing corporations in the battle for world domination. Civilization made a significant leap in technology, due to which exo-skeletons were created that increase human abilities, increasing jump height, fist punch force, and increasing armor and protection. The plot immediately affects 7 years of the history of humanity in the future: from 2054 to 2061. There are options for the game both alone, and in multiplayer or co-op mode.

game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc

#Game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc series#

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - the eleventh installment of the legendary series of first-person shooters, which forever changed the rules and standards of the action genre in terms of high-quality and well-developed plots, and special effects, multiple and cinematic.

Game like call of duty advanced warfare for pc